Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You people eat this stuff???

The Doctor told us it was time to start our 4-month old daughter on baby food, so we started with Rice Cereal. This shot was taken after her first taste of the cereal.

Waco Taperwing ATO

Terry Chastain flies John Cournoyer's Waco ATO over the Missouri River for me to take pictures of it. This was the airplanes second flight and the only thing that has gone wrong so far is that the tach has stopped working. Terry has done a magnificent job on this plane, easily his best work so far.

As soon as I win the Powerball, it'll be mine.

Sky flies his Air Hog

Skyler out flying his Air Hog remote control aircraft. We've had a lot of fun flying this plane. They are very resilient and take quite a beating. You don't want to fly them in very much of a wind though.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Me and my son were sitting out front tonite when we saw this pretty Cardinal land. I ran for the camera, with whatever lens was on it and got off a few frames. We need to sit outside more often.