Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Any airport in a storm

We had severe storms going through St Louis weds night. Here is a picture of a jet going into St Louis Lambert under some Cumulonimbus Mamba clouds.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

New York City

I'm in Teterboro,NJ for the weekend. Went walking around Manhattan today. I saw the American Girl store and since I know my mother in-law collects them, I called my wife and asked her what to get her mom.

I picked something out and then walked around the store. I was amazed at all the little girls with moms and/or dads there. I was even more amazed that they had a "Beauty Salon" for the dolls. Trim their bangs, wash their hair and put a bow in it---wow. I'm speechless.

Monday, July 03, 2006

3rd of July

What would the 4th of July be without sparklers for the kids. My son told me I was the best dad a kid could have after buying them for him. I can live with that!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Learning to sand

My son Skyler came out to the airport yesterday to help us with the Dh-4 my friend Glenn is restoring. He asked to help. Glenn taught him the basics of wet-sanding fabric-covered ailerons.

The airplane should be finished next weekend and fly the following week.

Oregon Coast

Just got done from spending 7 days on the Oregon Coast. We stayed in the small town in south Oregon of North Bend. It was okay, but after 2 days we got bored and headed down to Santa Ana for our next trip.