Saturday, October 27, 2007

Traffic Light blur at night

I experimented with time-exposures as my wife drove us home sat. night. This one is the best.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Riding his bike.

Skyler went bike riding at the airport this weekend while I worked on the plane.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Doing her homework...

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Girls Color

My two ladies work on a coloring book.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lindsay hangs out at the airport with dad.

What's that ant doing daddy?

Where are all the planes?

Doing the annual-Tight Squeeze

Glenn noticed my tailwheel springs were stretched during the annual of my Fairchild 24. He had me take out the back seat (easy once you know how) and then proceeded to squeeze himself into the middle of the fuselage to get to the springs. He disconnected the turnbuckles and brought the springs out. Pretty good gymnastics for a 62-year old man.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

She's so beautiful!

Our baby girl turned 20 months yesterday. She's soooo beautiful, it makes me cry.

Fall is here.

Finally got cool today and I took a walk to look at the changing leaves.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Mullicoupe makes a pass good-bye

Bud Dake's old Mullicoupe makes a pass good-bye leaving the Monocoupe Fly-In sunday.

Lindsay goes down the slide with Mom at the Pumpkin Patch!

Lindsay turns 20 months this week and is getting into everything. Here she has another one of her "hair-raising" adventures with her mom going down the slide at the pumpkin patch.

Highlights from the Mustang Round-Up

Scenes from the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends held in Columbus, OH the last weekend of Sept., 2007.